Flags of (almost all) countries based out of which museum & heritage workers engaged with IMWD2017.

Last Thursday June 29th marked the 3rd International Museum Workers Day #IMWD2017, an advocacy project initiated by MUSEUMVIEWS.

To celebrate #IMWD2017, we invited museum and heritage workers from around the globe – including artists, scholars, art historians, scientists, archaeologists, anthropologists, curators, filmmakers, performance artists, designers & many other whose expertise, years of experiences and dedication help create, discover, preserve, and disseminate our tangible and non-tangible cultural heritage.

From among the 150+ countries that engaged with #IMWD2017, some of the inspiring participants were based out of:

Bhutan, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Moldova, Chad, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Mozambique, Ghana, Cameroon, Belaize, Oman, Madagascar, Jordan, Swaziland, Botswana, Congo, Jamaica, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwi, Benin, Vietnam, Papa New Guinea, Suriname, Brunei, Haiti, Cote d’Ivoire, Malaysia, Burkina Faso, Togo, Dominican Republic, Mali, Rwanda, Chad, Senegal, South Africa, Yemen … & numerous others …

IMWD2017 were equally thrilled to have the participation of:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Musee Louvre
Galleria degli Uffizi
El Museo Soumaya
Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin
The Gardner
Modern Art Museum, Rio de Janeiro
International Center of Photography
American Federation of Arts
LA Opera
Hispanic Society of America
National Museum Philippines
AAMers (& Future of Museums)
Museum Directors
ICOM Canada
ICOM Italia
& very many others…

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